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Perceptual Views from Outer Space

Perceptual Views from Outer Space
        This video shows how perception differs from Earth and outer space. Astronauts suffer from dizziness and nausea for about the first 24 hours. It is believed the human vestibular system is messed up outside of earth’s atmosphere. This is because the fluid in the inner ear is in microgravity, which leads to abnormal signals being sent to the brain from the ear that contradict signals sent from the eyes. The sensory system then becomes more reliant on the information gathered by the eyes and allows astronauts to adjust and stop the feelings of dizziness, nausea, and disorientation. Allowing astronauts to move freely in all different orientations without having the same feelings of dizziness as an individual would on earth. For example, spinning in a hamsterball ball on earth, as many times as the man in the video did the outcome would be much different leading the participant to feel nauseous, dizzy, and or sick. Using cross modality and utilizing prior knowledge the astronauts are able to spin with their eyes open and not have these same negative effects as they would on earth.


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