Visual Snow Syndrome. What is it? Well, no one is really 100% confident what causes this syndrome, but there are a host of common symptoms that most people with VSS share, many of which are shown in the above video. I've lived with this my entire life, so I actually don’t know how much of what I experience isn't considered neurotypical. I’m still finding out there are things I see that not everyone does, and it still surprises me every time. Some symptoms are as follows, ones I experience will be shown in bold : Visual snow After-images Entopic phenomenon Glare Halos Starbursts Palinopsia Double vision “Odd colors and shapes” Tinnitus Depersonalization/Derealization Up until very recently in my life I thought that everything I was seeing was just normal. I've taken these perceptions for granted my whole life, not realizing that I was seeing the world differently than most. I also experience other things which may be related to my VSS but also may be related to ot...