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Showing posts from February, 2017

Visual Snow Syndrome

Visual Snow Syndrome. What is it? Well, no one is really 100% confident what causes this syndrome, but there are a host of common symptoms that most people with VSS share, many of which are shown in the above video. I've lived with this my entire life, so I actually don’t know how much of what I experience isn't considered neurotypical. I’m still finding out there are things I see that not everyone does, and it still surprises me every time. Some symptoms are as follows, ones I experience will be shown in bold :  Visual snow After-images Entopic phenomenon Glare Halos Starbursts Palinopsia Double vision “Odd colors and shapes” Tinnitus Depersonalization/Derealization Up until very recently in my life I thought that everything I was seeing was just normal. I've taken these perceptions for granted my whole life, not realizing that I was seeing the world differently than most. I also experience other things which may be related to my VSS but also may be related to ot

Do Cuttlefish See What We See?

Cuttlefish are awesome! They can camouflage themselves to blend into their surroundings. Researchers have discovered a way to use the cuttlefish's amazing ability to test their perception! Do cuttlefish see the world the way we do?!

What do newborns see?

Dr. Romesh Angunawela created this GIF to illustrate how a baby's vision develops over the first year of her life. At birth, babies are unable to see color and make out shapes. Depth perception doesn't develop until about 4 months. Visual development "coincides with increased interest and exploration of the world around them." Check out the full article  here .